Welcome! We are the original Distribution Service Provider for all Gen III Pokemon games on eBay. (since 2005 under a different account). We will give you more than any anyone else on eBay for less . GUARANTEED . In this listing you will receive all documented English 3rd Gen Distributions (including Un-Released ones like Old Sea Map), a selection of some non-event captures (like Lugia from XD) and a few popular Japanese distributions (like Ageto Celebi). This is an incredibly time intensive service, and there are no bulk discounts. There are however two options to choose from: Option A: Everything ($100) Option B: Everything except PCNY Campaign Pokemon ($80) Option A includes all Pokemon shown in the main photo; this equates to 103 unique species (either unlocked in-game or directly distributed/traded). In total, you will receive 168 Pokemon in your PC and a handful of other Event Items to go and catch more (13). That will come to just over 6 FULL BOXES OF POKEMON (181). Please ensure you have room on your game; other prerequisites can be found below. You can choose to not receive certain pokemon, but we will not be providing anything extra. The List: (Your Name) means it will be whatever OT you have in-game, as you will catch it yourself. ‘ Any ‘ means we have caught the Pokemon and it has our OT, but we can change it to anything you want. Key Blue: Either/or, but not both Orange: Un-Released Yellow: Japanese List # Pokemon OT Origin 1 Latias (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Southern Island 2 Latios (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Southern Island 3 Ho-Oh (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Navel Rock 4 Lugia (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Navel Rock 5 Mew (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Faraway Island 6 Deoxys (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Birth Island 7 Aipom (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 8 Smeargle (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 9 Stantler (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 10 Houndour (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 11 Mareep (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 12 Pineco (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 13 Shuckle (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 14 Teddiursa (Your Name) In-Game Capture – Altering Cave 15 Celebi 10 ANIV Journey Across America 16 Bulbasaur 10 ANIV Journey Across America 17 Charizard 10 ANIV Journey Across America 18 Blastoise 10 ANIV Journey Across America 19 Pikachu 10 ANIV Journey Across America 20 Alakazam 10 ANIV Journey Across America 21 Articuno 10 ANIV Journey Across America 22 Zapdos 10 ANIV Journey Across America 23 Moltres 10 ANIV Journey Across America 24 Dragonite 10 ANIV Journey Across America 25 Typhlosion 10 ANIV Journey Across America 26 Espeon 10 ANIV Journey Across America 27 Umbreon 10 ANIV Journey Across America 28 Raikou 10 ANIV Journey Across America 29 Entei 10 ANIV Journey Across America 30 Suicune 10 ANIV Journey Across America 31 Tyranitar 10 ANIV Journey Across America 32 Blaziken 10 ANIV Journey Across America 33 Absol 10 ANIV Journey Across America 34 Latias 10 ANIV Journey Across America 35 Latios 10 ANIV Journey Across America 36 Bulbasaur 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 37 Charizard 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 38 Blastoise 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 39 Pikachu 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 40 Alakazam 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 41 Articuno 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 42 Zapdos 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 43 Moltres 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 44 Dragonite 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 45 Typhlosion 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 46 Espeon 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 47 Umbreon 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 48 Raikou 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 49 Entei 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 50 Suicune 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 51 Tyranitar 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 52 Blaziken 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 53 Absol 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 54 Latias 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 55 Latios 10 ANIV Party of the Decade 56 Charizard 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 57 Pikachu 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 58 Articuno 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 59 Raikou 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 60 Entei 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 61 Suicune 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 62 Lugia 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 63 Ho-oh 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 64 Latias 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 65 Latios 10ANNIV Top 10 Distribution 66 Celebi AGATE Colosseum Secret Bonus Disc 67 Raikou Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Legendary 68 Entei Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Legendary 69 Suicune Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Legendary 70 Espeon Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Starter 71 Umbreon Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Starter 72 Bayleef Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Pseudo Starter 73 Quilava Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Pseudo Starter 74 Croconaw Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Pseudo Starter 75 Mareep Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Battle-E 76 Togepi Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Battle-E 77 Scizor Any (Wes) Our Capture – Colosseum Battle-E 78 Lugia Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Legendary 79 Eevee Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Starter 80 Vaporeon Any (Wesley) XD Beta Starters 81 Jolteon Any (Wesley) XD Beta Starters 82 Moltres Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Legendary 83 Articuno Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Legendary 84 Zapdos Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Legendary 85 Chikorita Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Mt. Battle Reward 86 Cyndaquil Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Mt. Battle Reward 87 Totodile Any (Wesley) Our Capture – XD Mt. Battle Reward 88 Mareep Any (ウェス) Our Capture – Japanese Colosseum Battle-E 89 Togepi Any (ウェス) Our Capture – Japanese Colosseum Battle-E 90 Scizor Any (ウェス) Our Capture – Japanese Colosseum Battle-E 91 Mew Aura Misc European Promotions 92 Jirachi CHANNEL PAL Pokemon Channel 93 Pikachu COLOS Colosseum Secret Bonus Disc 94 Deoxys DOEL TV Toy Museum – Destiny Deoxys Promotion 95 Ekans JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 96 Sandshrew JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 97 Vulpix JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 98 Oddish JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 99 Psyduck JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 100 Growlithe JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 101 Machamp JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 102 Slowpoke JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 103 Shellder JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 104 Gengar JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 105 Staryu JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 106 Tauros JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 107 Machoke JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 108 Haunter JEREMY Trade and Battle Day 109 Ho-Oh MATTLE Colosseum Mt. Battle Reward 110 Jirachi METEOR Colosseum Secret Bonus Disc 111 Mew MYSTRY Toys R Us – Mystery Mew Promotion 112 Swablu False Swipe Egg N/A Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Reward 113 Zigzagoon Extremespeed Egg N/A Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Reward 114 Skitty Pay Day Egg N/A Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Reward 115 Pichu Surf Egg N/A Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Reward 116 Farfetch’d Wish Egg N/A PCNY ‘Come on Down and Catch a Few’ Promotion 117 Drowzee Wish Egg N/A PCNY ‘Come on Down and Catch a Few’ Promotion 118 Exeggcute Wish Egg N/A PCNY ‘Come on Down and Catch a Few’ Promotion 119 Lickitung Wish Egg N/A PCNY ‘Come on Down and Catch a Few’ Promotion 120 Chansey Wish Egg N/A PCNY ‘Come on Down and Catch a Few’ Promotion 121 Kangaskhan Wish Egg N/A PCNY ‘Come on Down and Catch a Few’ Promotion 122 Pikachu PCNYb / PCNYc Evolution Stone 123 Gloom (Sun Stone) PCNYb / PCNYc Evolution Stone 124 Gloom (Leaf Stone) PCNYb / PCNYc Evolution Stone 125 Staryu PCNYb / PCNYc Evolution Stone 126 Altaria PCNYb / PCNYc EX-Dragon TCG Prerelease Promotion Pokémon 127 Flygon PCNYb / PCNYc EX-Dragon TCG Prerelease Promotion Pokémon 128 Seadra (Dragon Scale) PCNYb / PCNYc EX-Dragon TCG Prerelease Promotion Pokémon 129 Salamence PCNYb / PCNYc EX-Dragon TCG Prerelease Promotion Pokémon 130 Level 50 Exploud PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 131 Level 100 Exploud PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 132 Level 50 Aggron PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 133 Level 100 Aggron PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 134 Level 50 Wailord PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 135 Level 100 Wailord PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 136 Level 50 Crawdaunt PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 137 Level 100 Crawdaunt PCNYb / PCNYc Monster Mosh 138 Shedinja PCNYb / PCNYc Ghost Week 139 Cacturne PCNYb / PCNYc Ghost Week 140 Shuppet PCNYb / PCNYc Ghost Week 141 Duskull PCNYb / PCNYc Ghost Week 142 Houndour PCNYc / PCNYd Sheep & Wolf Colosseum Promotion 143 Mareep PCNYc / PCNYd Sheep & Wolf Colosseum Promotion 144 Ice Beam Seadra PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 145 Leer Seadra PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 146 Flygon PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 147 Flamethrower / Aerial Ace Altaria PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 148 Flamethrower / Take Down Altaria PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 149 Ice Beam / Take Down Altaria PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 150 Ice Beam / Aerial Ace Altaria PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 151 Salamence PCNYc / PCNYd Dragon Week Pokémon 152 Flygon PCNYc / PCNYd Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Promotion 153 Seviper (Apicot Berry) PCNYc / PCNYd Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Promotion 154 Spite Absol (Salac Berry) PCNYc / PCNYd Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Promotion 155 Wish Absol (Ganlon Berry) PCNYc / PCNYd Pokémon Box Ruby & Sapphire Promotion 156 Gardevoir (Ganlon Berry) PCNYc / PCNYd Spring Fling 157 Gardevoir (Salac Berry) PCNYc / PCNYd Spring Fling 158 Tropius (Petaya Berry) PCNYc / PCNYd Spring Fling 159 Salamence PCNYc / PCNYd Spring Fling 160 Armaldo PCNYd Ancients & Aliens Week 161 Sableye (Brightpowder 20%) PCNYd Ancients & Aliens Week 162 Mawile PCNYd Ancients & Aliens Week 163 Cradily PCNYd Ancients & Aliens Week 164 Azurill (Soothe Bell 20%) PCNYd Baby & Trade Week 165 Wynaut PCNYd Baby & Trade Week 166 Gorebyss PCNYd Baby & Trade Week 167 Huntail PCNYd Baby & Trade Week 168 Machamp PCNYd Trade and Nature 169 Ludicolo PCNYd Trade and Nature 170 Shiftry PCNYd Trade and Nature 171 Golem PCNYd Trade and Nature 172 Zangoose (Quick Claw 20%) PCNYd Slither & Swim Week 173 Seviper PCNYd Slither & Swim Week 174 Milotic PCNYd Slither & Swim Week 175 Kingdra PCNYd Slither & Swim Week 176 Metang ROCKS Pokémon Rocks America 2005 177 Zigzagoon RUBY Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc 12/14 178 Zigzagoon SAPHIRE Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc 12/14 179 Deoxys SPACE C Houston Space Center – Pokemon 10th Anniversary 180 Jirachi WISHMKR Colosseum Bonus Disc 181 Celebi アゲト Japanese Colosseum Bonus Disc 182 Pikachu コロシアム Japanese Colosseum Bonus Disc Item/Distribution Description Custom PC Box Wallpaper Allows you to customize and use an exclusive Box wallpaper in your PC Decoration Present Gives you all 3 Regi Dolls for use in your secret Base Enigma Berry The un-released E-Reader Berry counterpart from Ruby/Sapphire Eon Ticket Allows you to visit Southern Island and catch Latias or Latios Mystic Ticket Allows you to visit Navel Rock and Catch Ho-Oh and Lugia Aurora Ticket Allows you to visit Birth Island and capture Deoxys Old Sea Map Allows you to visit Faraway Island and Capture Mew Altering Cave Modifier Allows you to change the Pokemon found in Altering Cave Compatible Games English copies of Emerald ONLY How this service works Buy this service Send your game(s) to the provided address We distribute digital content to your game(s) We ship your game(s) back! You get everything you want and don’t pay for overpriced stuff from another seller! About your new Pokemon and Items Can be transferred to Pokemon Home; 100% Legal (excludes Un-Released Pokemon) No Pokemon generated via Gamesharks/Action Replay/ACE; Everything done via original hardware distributions and Mystery Gifts No clones of someone else’s Pokemon (exceptions apply; for more info send us a message) What you will need to do first Defeat the Elite Four Discounts If you have found a cheaper service , we will beat it If you have purchased a distribution service from us in the past , we will deduct its cost from this service. If you want a battery replaced we have yet another discount Shipping Insurance Absolutely NO Insurance for international purchases US-based buyers can purchase additional insurance to meet their needs Any other questions please contact us!
Pokemon Emerald Complete English Event Distribution Service
$88.00 Original price was: $88.00.$52.80Current price is: $52.80.
Game Name : Pokémon: Emerald Version
Platform : Nintendo DS, Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Platform : Nintendo DS, Nintendo Game Boy Advance
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