
Bronchial Relief Tea Herbal Blend Respiratory Cold Cough Asthma Bronchitis 20 tb

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Original price was: $8.27.Current price is: $4.96.

Active Ingredients : Basil, Thyme, Peppermint, Elderflower, Marshmallow Root, Liquorice Root
Type : Herbal Blend
Scent : Blend
Formulation : Tea
Dosage : 1 - 3 Cups of Tea per day
Expiry Date : November 2026 or better
Type of Diet : Ayurvedic, Diabetic, Halal, Herbal, Kosher, Natural, Organic, Vegan, Vegetarian
Department : Child, Man, Woman, Adult, Unisex
MPN : 3800022800261
Country/Region of Manufacture : Bulgaria
Main Purpose : Bronchitis, Whopping Cough, Bronchial Asthma, Shortness of Breath, Expectorant, Cold & Flu, Immune Support, Respiratory Wellness, Throat Health
Administration : Oral
gtin13 : 3800022800261
Body Area : Throat, Respiratory Tract, Lungs
Ingredients : Basil (Ocimum), Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Elder Flower, Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Liquorice Root, Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), Marshmallow Root, Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Thyme
Custom Bundle : No
When to Take : After Meal, Before Meal, On an Empty Stomach, With Meal
Brand : Bio Program
EAN : 3800022800261
Item Weight : 30 g
Features : Pesticide Free, Efficient Blend, Food Grade, Natural

Bronchial Relief Herbal Tea Blend Very good and fast expectorant effect and action! Basil, Thyme, Peppermint, Elderflower, Liquorice, Marshmallow. Beneficial Effects with pronounced properties to support breathing. Helps in Bronchitis, Cold, Cough, Whopping Cough, Bronchial Asthma. **** 20 Tea Bags **** Premium Quality **** Made in EU **** SPECIAL OFFER ( FREE SHIPPING & DELIVERY within Europe! ) ORGANICTAS Premium Quality Organic & Natural Products, Cosmetics & Over-The-Counter Medication BioBroncho Tea is tradionally used in/for* : Colds and recuperative proccesses after cold & flu; dry and/or whopping cough; chronic bronchitis; bronchial asthma; shortness of breath; improve the respiratory system; very good and fast expectorant effect & action; supports free breathing. BioBroncho Bronchial Relief Herbal Tea Short Description* : Bio Program Biobroncho Tea Blend is a natural product that combines the beneficial effects of several herbs with pronounced properties to support free breathing. This natural herbal tea blend consists of a bouquet of medicinal plants recommended for colds, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma and shortness of breath. Bio Broncho herbal tea is most effective in colds of the body and mainly in the upper and lower respiratory system, helping with whooping cough, broncho pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, dry cough and bronchial asthma. The components of this tea include some of the most aromatic and popular herbs in Bulgaria. The tea made out of them is appreciated for its characteristic mountain aroma and aids the recuperative processes after flu and cold. To breathe calmly, it has a very good and fast expectorant effect! Basil: Basil is one of the key ingredients in cough syrups and expectorants. Various compounds in basil help mobilize mucus, so it is also an effective treatment for other respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma. Basil helps to balance acid within the body and restore the body’s proper pH level. This can also improve digestion and immunity by helping healthy bacteria flourish within the gut micro flora, while also reducing harmful bacteria that can cause disease. Basil leaves are considered a wonderful medicine for headaches. Basil Tea also treats several health disorders like fever, constipation, diarrhea and indignation. Basil is also a good germicidal agent and a disinfectant that protects the human body from all types of viral infections. Thyme: High levels of vitamin C found in thyme make it a natural immune system booster. Vitamin C helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are the first line of defense in the body’s immune system. Thyme is one of the most well-known and long-standing traditional medicine for the respiratory problems. If you are suffering from bronchitis, chronic asthma, congestion, colds, flu, blocked sinuses or seasonal allergies, thyme acts as an expectorant and an anti-inflammatory substance. It helps to eliminates phlegm and mucus from the respiratory tracts, eases inflammation to help breathe, and prevents microbial development that can lead to illness. Brewing thyme leaves into a powerful tea is the best way to achieve relief from respiratory ailments. Thyme has been used for centuries for the treatment of coughs and bronchitis. Antibacterial properties of thyme make it one of the popular remedies for bad breath as it helps fight bacteria and infection in your mouth. Thyme is appreciated for its antiseptic and antioxidant properties, it is an excellent tonic and is used in treating respiratory diseases and a variety of other ailments. Liquorice Root: Cough, bronchitis, sore throat are common respiratory problems. Using licorice root provide a remedy to these common health problems. Licorice root loosens the thick mucus attached to the respiratory passages. Even the German Standard License and British Herbal Compendium approve its use in treating the irritated mucous membrane to ease cough and cold congestion. Several studies have been conducted to determine the anti-viral property of licorice. In all these researches including the one published in Phytotherapy Research Volume 2, the plant has shown potent activity against different viruses. Licorice also possess anti-bacterial properties making it very effective against other microbial infections. Any disease involving inflammation could benefit from licorice root. The active compounds like flavonoid, coumarin, stilbenoids, and triterpenoids all have anti-inflammatory properties that prevent swelling in various areas of the body. Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow is one of the best cures for those suffering from pain, swelling and congestion related with cold and cough. Due to its antitussive properties and mucilage abilities marshmallow extract is added to many cough syrups and throat lozenges since it is one of the most effective natural cough remedies. It helps to stop the urge to cough and facilitates with the process of producing more saliva, allowing it help reduce symptoms of dry mouth. It can safely be used by people with chronically low levels of salivary flow and chronic coughs As mentioned earlier marshmallow root is excellent to treat sore throat. Apart from that it is also equally beneficial to ease up many respiratory problems like bronchitis and severe cough. Though further research are required but some cases have proven that marshmallow root is also excellent to treat asthma. Antibacterial and antiviral properties of marshmallow root make it an important support tool for the immune system. This root is particularly well-known for its impact on the gut, which is where more than half of the immune function of the body occurs. Since ancient time, marshmallow root has been used as home remedy for sore throat. Marshmallow root contains certain compounds like antitussive that could help in decreasing the irritation occurs in the throat. That’s why, nowadays, marshmallow root is used as main ingredients in some medicines, in case you care with what you consume. If you suffer from tonsillitis, bronchitis, a urinary tract or respiratory infection, take marshmallow root at the first sign of discomfort like swelling, burning and tenderness. It helps speed up the healing process and naturally kills bacteria that can cause various ailments. Elderflower: Elderflower has been used in traditional medicine all over the world in many different cultures due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The most common uses are for colds and flu, sinus infections, and other respiratory disturbances. As a supplement, elderflower also has diuretic and laxative properties and is helpful in relieving occasional constipation. Elderflower has antibacterial and antiviral properties and may also help alleviate some allergies and boost the functioning of the immune system. Research in Ireland showed that elderflower was effective in killing many common hospital pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)1. This study gave scientific proof of elderflower’s antibacterial properties against most gram negative and gram positive bacteria tested that align with traditional medicine uses of the past. Further study of elderflower components showed the potential for antiviral and anti-inflammatory benefits as well. Peppermint/Mentha: Mint leaves can help to reduce the symptoms of asthma and the common cold. The aroma of mint can make you breathe easier, and helps relieve irritation caused by coughing. Menthol has anti-inflammatory properties, which help to open the respiratory tract and relieve bronchial constriction. Mint provides the vitamin C your body needs to fight illnesses. Vitamin C is a well-known immunity booster, so it’s important to get enough of it. The anti-inflammatory qualities of mint can help treat headache, dizziness and nausea. Mint leaves can also help calm a fever, as the cooling properties refresh the body and dissipate the heat caused by the fever. How to use BioBroncho Relief Herbal Tea Blend : 1 Tea Bag in 250ml hot water (~90 C) for 5 – 10 minutes. Note: This Product is made for the Bulgarian market and may partly or full be in cyrillic/bulgarian language. Please write down or print the “how to use” & product instruction/description! Special Instructions, Side Effects, Warnings: None This Bronchial Relief Herbal Tea Product is best before: 10/2025 or better. ( The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.) Do not use the product after the expiry date which is stated on the pack. BioBroncho Herbal Tea Blend Natural Composition/Ingredients: Basil, Thyme, Peppermint, Elderflower, Liquorice Roots, Marhsmallow Roots . Country of origin / Made in / Packed in: Bulgaria, a country of the European Union (EU). How to store Bio Broncho Herbal Tea Bags : Store in a dry and good ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Do not use after the expiration date. Package: Original Box with 20 Tea Bags x 1.5g each. Packed and shipped in an ecofriendly Kraft Bubble Envelope. Short Description in other languages: (GB/USA) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea with very good and fast expectorant effect, helps in colds, chronic bronchitis, whooping cough, dry cough, bronchial asthma and shortness of breath. (Arab) شاي أعشاب الشعب الهوائية ذو تأثير مقشع جيد جدًا وسريع ، يساعد في نزلات البرد والتهاب الشعب الهوائية المزمن والسعال الديكي والسعال الجاف والربو القصبي وضيق التنفس. (CRO) Čaj od biljnih mješavina bronhija s vrlo dobrim i brzim iskašljavajućim učinkom, pomaže kod prehlade, kroničnog bronhitisa, velikog kašlja, suhog kašlja, bronhijalne astme i otežanog disanja. (CZ) Bylinný čaj ze směsi bronchů s velmi dobrým a rychlým expektoračním účinkem, pomáhá při nachlazení, chronické bronchitidě, černém kašli, suchém kašli, bronchiálním astmatu a dušnosti. (D) Bronchial Kräuter Mischung Tee mit sehr guter und schneller schleimlösender Wirkung hilft bei Erkältungen, chronischer Bronchitis, Keuchhusten, trockenem Husten, Asthma bronchiale und Atemnot. (DK) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea med meget god og hurtig slimløsende virkning, hjælper med forkølelse, kronisk bronkitis, kighoste, tør hoste, bronchial astma og åndenød. (E) Té de Hierbas Bronquial con muy buen efecto expectorante rápido, ayuda en resfriados, bronquitis crónica, tos ferina, tos seca, asma bronquial y dificultad para respirar. (EST) Väga hea ja kiire rögalahtistava toimega bronhide ürdisegu tee aitab külmetushaiguste, kroonilise bronhiidi, läkaköha, kuiva köha, bronhiaalastma ja õhupuuduse korral. (F) Mélange de tisanes bronchiques avec un effet expectorant très bon et rapide, aide en cas de rhume, de bronchite chronique, de coqueluche, de toux sèche, d’asthme bronchique et d’essoufflement. (FIN) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea, jolla on erittäin hyvä ja nopea yskänlääke, auttaa vilustumissa, kroonisessa keuhkoputkentulehduksessa, hinkuyskässä, kuivassa yskässä, keuhkoastmassa ja hengenahdistuksessa. (HUN) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea nagyon jó és gyors köptető hatással, megfázás, krónikus bronchitis, szamárköhögés, száraz köhögés, bronchiális asztma és légszomj esetén segít. (I) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea con effetto espettorante molto buono e veloce, aiuta in raffreddori, bronchiti croniche, pertosse, tosse secca, asma bronchiale e mancanza di respiro. (IRE) Cuidíonn Tae Cumaisc Luibhe Bronchial le héifeacht an-mhaith agus tapa ag súil leis, le slaghdáin, bronchitis ainsealach, an triuch, casacht tirim, asma bronchial agus giorra anála. (JAP) 非常に優れた迅速な去痰効果のある気管支ハーブブレンドティーは、風邪、慢性気管支炎、百日咳、乾いた咳、気管支喘息、息切れに役立ちます。 (KOR) 매우 좋고 빠른 거담 효과가있는 기관지 허브 블렌드 차는 감기, 만성 기관지염, 백일해, 마른 기침, 기관지 천식 및 숨가쁨에 도움이됩니다. (LAT) Bronhu zāļu maisījumu tēja ar ļoti labu un ātru atkrēpošanas efektu, palīdz saaukstēšanās, hroniska bronhīta, garā klepus, sausa klepus, bronhiālās astmas un elpas trūkuma gadījumā. (LIT) Bronchų žolelių mišinių arbata, pasižyminti labai geru ir greitu atsikosėjimą skatinančiu poveikiu, padeda esant peršalimo ligoms, lėtiniam bronchitui, kokliušui, sausam kosuliui, bronchinei astmai ir dusuliui. (NL) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea met zeer goede en snelle slijmoplossend effect, helpt bij verkoudheid, chronische bronchitis, kinkhoest, droge hoest, bronchiale astma en kortademigheid. (NOR) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea med veldig god og rask slimløsende effekt, hjelper mot forkjølelse, kronisk bronkitt, kikhoste, tørr hoste, astma og kortpustethet. (PL) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea o bardzo dobrym i szybkim działaniu wykrztuśnym, pomaga przy przeziębieniach, przewlekłym zapaleniu oskrzeli, krztuścu, suchym kaszlu, astmie oskrzelowej i dusznościach. (POR) Chá Misturado Brônquico de Ervas com efeito expectorante muito bom e rápido, auxilia nos resfriados, bronquite crônica, tosse convulsa, tosse seca, asma brônquica e falta de ar. (RO) Ceai de amestec de plante bronșice cu efect expectorant foarte bun și rapid, ajută la răceli, bronșită cronică, tuse convulsivă, tuse uscată, astm bronșic și dificultăți de respirație. (RUS) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea с очень хорошим и быстрым отхаркивающим действием, помогает при простуде, хроническом бронхите, коклюше, сухом кашле, бронхиальной астме и одышке. (SLK) Čaj z bylinnej zmesi Bronchial s veľmi dobrým a rýchlym expektoračným účinkom, pomáha pri prechladnutí, chronických bronchitídach, čiernom kašli, suchom kašli, bronchiálnej astme a dýchavičnosti. (SLO) Bronhialni zeliščni čaj z zelo dobrim in hitrim izkašljevanjem vpliva na prehlad, kronični bronhitis, oslovski kašelj, suh kašelj, bronhialno astmo in težko sapo. (SWE) Bronchial Herbal Blend Tea med mycket god och snabb slemlösande effekt, hjälper till med förkylning, kronisk bronkit, kikhosta, torrhosta, bronkialastma och andfåddhet. (TR) Bronşiyal Bitkisel Karışım Çayı çok iyi ve hızlı balgam söktürücü etkiye sahiptir, soğuk algınlığı, kronik bronşit, boğmaca, kuru öksürük, bronşiyal astım ve nefes darlığına iyi gelir. (UA) Чай із бронхіальних рослинних сумішей з дуже хорошим та швидким відхаркувальним ефектом, допомагає при застуді, хронічному бронхіті, коклюші, сухому кашлі, бронхіальній астмі та задишці. (WELSH) Mae Te Cymysgedd Llysieuol Bronchial gydag effaith ddisgwylgar da a chyflym iawn, yn helpu mewn annwyd, broncitis cronig, peswch, peswch sych, asthma bronciol a diffyg anadl. (HEBREW) תה תערובת צמחי מרפא הסימפונות עם אפקט מכייח טוב ומהיר מאוד, מסייע בהצטננות, ברונכיטיס כרונית, שיעול, שיעול יבש, אסתמה הסימפונות וקוצר נשימה. *Final Word, Disclaimer & Warning: *If you’re considering the use of this product or any other herb/supplement/product for a health condition, make sure to consult your physician first. *Self-treating a condition and/or avoiding and/or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. *Consult your physican before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication, precription drugs or have a medical condition. Our product has not been studied alongside or against your prescription medication or alongside other supplements or herbs. Please make sure your health care provider is aware of all dietary supplments and natural herbs you are taking . This will help ensure coordinated and safe care. *For medical, over-the-counter drugs, homeopathic and herbal products: indications are based soley on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. SHIPPING & DELIVERY: WARNING: There might be still some shipping delays due the worldwide pandemic situation. We ship every day Monday – Friday in our timezone GMT+2. All deliveries take place within one working day after received/confirmed payment. All items are located and sent from Bulgaria. We carefully pack all orders and if possible use ecologically & environmentally friendly packing. 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