
Antique Gibbs Horses and Wagon

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Original price was: $79.20.Current price is: $47.52.

Vintage : Yes
Material : Cast Iron

AntiqueHorses and Wagon. Very old two horses and wagon. When slowly moved across table legs engage and move like a walking horse. Notice photo of bottom of horses two brads are missing were the frame holding horses are so they wobble. When I showed on a shelf looked fine and wasn’t moved, needs brads tapped in. Also one of horses is missing small metal bridle attachment, can see the other has small bridle ring. Someone also attached one new brad into top board on rear of wagon ( small piece wood) split in wood. I will be away on and off over winter months. Have grandkids that live in Europe so there are times I’m away in summer as well. So shipping could be random, email with timing if interested in any items. Have more plastic bins to empty sometime in future. Glance at my site occasionally if interested. Thanks for those who purchased in past. Enjoy emails with buyers but if I don’t get to all bins will eventually give everything to Bertoia or another auction house. Collecting was an enjoyable hobby, both hunting and talking to collectors at auctions, yard sales, Brimfield and other shows for items over the years. Downsizing is more like work which I am sort of dodging..